AFEN–Fraher v FC Británico


Date Time League Season Full Time
13th January 2018 09:00 Liga Bunwer (Apertura) 2017-2018 90'


AFEN – Fraher111Loss
FC Británico033Win


This week saw FCB face off against league leaders AFEN Fraher. Knowing that they were 5 points behind their opposition with a game in hand and only three games to go, it was a focused dressing room. The men in red lined up as follows, Jorge in net with Ed, Omar, Rama and Harry in front of him, Ricky moved into right wing, with Callum, Oscar and Cris in the middle and Mati on the left and Joe up top. Rami had a clear message do not give away fouls and keep to our game. The match got underway and the whistle was sounding left right and centre. With the home team receiving many free kicks Rami was not happy. The deadlock was broken ten mins in when a free kick saw FCB 1-0 down. This lit a fire under the Brits who proceeded to dominate play when it was allowed to continue. Ed went on some solo runs to lead by example and it worked. Despite this the halftime score was unchanged.

Halftime 1-0

The dressing room was a tense affair and for once the voice of calm and reason was the fearless leader. Frustrated, no doubt. angry? Most certainly. Collected? Yes. With cool heads prevailing they reentered play with a grim resolve. Their title hopes would not be dashed this day. It took a few mins but a great corner from Mati saw Oscar fire home from the far post and show his friend, whom had braved the cold of Coslada on a weekend away to watch his friend, why he got out of bed so early. 1-1. The dominance continued and play was beginning to open up. Oscar got his second when he fired home from the opposite side of the box this time. 1-2. Rami made some changes with Cris coming off for Matt and Luigi on for Harry. The pressure continued and some great chances were created. Joe showed great control on a lofted pass and was unlucky not to score. Finally, Callum broke through a tired midfield and burst past three defender to finish a great half. 1-3. Despite some infantile behaviour the mood was not dampened at the final whistle.

MOTM – Oscar
Quote of match – Rami’s half time speech
Miss of the match – LUIGI!!!!!!!!

AFEN – Fraher


FC Británico

1Jorge Pires Goalkeeper
2Harry Hewlett 13 Midfielder
3Edmund Keith Defender
4Ramiro Pérez Toledo Defender
5Omar Majid Rodriguez Defender
6Christoffer Wörm 12 Midfielder
17Ricky Pearson Defender
8Oscar Walet Turner Midfielder 59', 78'
9Joe Simmons Midfielder
10Calum Cant Midfielder
11Mathias Pensatori Midfielder
12Matthew Laverty 6 Midfielder
13Luigi Bosetti 2 Midfielder
14Andrew McLeod Defender
15Peter Curran Defender
16Jordan Maston Midfielder
7Aaditya Abhyankar Midfielder
18Cian Deegan Midfielder
  3 1 3
Yellow Cards
Red Cards


Campos de Futbol Barrio del Puerto
Calle del Puerto de Bilbao, 4, 28821 Coslada, Madrid, España