Bar Galicia Villaverde v FC Británico


Date Time League Season Full Time
27th May 2017 09:00 Liga Bunwer (Clausura) 2016-2017 90'


Bar Galicia Villaverde000Draw
FC Británico000Draw


This week saw majid’s men take on bar Galicia Villaverde with a nine o’clock start in their home barrio. Watched by a decent crowd and preceded by a perfectly observed minute’s silence the boys started sluggishly with ponderous passes and morbid movement. As the Dundee express had pulled up with a recurrence of an old injury and Foxy was also on the treatment table, the Brits lacked penetration to their play and encountered stubborn well organised opponents who got men behind the ball and kept their shape. A starting lineup of Josue, Macca, Pete, Ricky, Dorus, Ben, Fabian, Ed, Luis, Luigi and Joe went into the break having failed to test an opposition goalkeeper who Rami had almost broke the minute’s silence to denounce as a non-keeper! The second half started in the same manner as the first had, but despite plenty of effort and running from the expats, their play in the final third let them down. The supporters who had got out of bed for this game and come all the way to south Madrid were more entertained by the sex shop billboard than the footballing fare on display. Villaverde weren’t even bothering to attack now and FCB were growing ever more rushed in the build up play and forcing things too early. The highlight of a dour second half was a debut for Luke Bedford and a comeback from injury for Jose. Final score 0-0 against an opponent who managed the same score against the Brits on this ground last season and from their time wasting antics were clearly chuffed with a point.

Man of the Match: Joe Simmons
Miss of the Match: Luis Fernandez
Quote of the Match: Rami for screaming about the goalkeeper (‘the keeper is not a keeper’) one second before the minute’s silence

Bar Galicia Villaverde

FC Británico

22Josue Delgado Goalkeeper
2Peter Curran 14 Defender
13Andrew McLeod 12
4Dorus Leenaarts Defender
5Ricky Pearson Defender
3Edmund Keith
8Luigi Bosetti Midfielder
6Fabian Amdal Åsland Midfielder
9Joe Simmons Midfielder
10Ben Precious Midfielder
11Luis Fernandez lo Midfielder
12Luke Bedford 13 Midfielder
14Jose Herrera 2 Midfielder
7David Kane Midfielder
Yellow Cards
Red Cards


Polideportivo Plata y Castañar
Paseo Plata y Castanar, 7, 28021 Madrid, España