Unión Selección v FC Británico


Date Time League Season Full Time
13th May 2017 11:00 Liga Bunwer (Clausura) 2016-2017 90'


Unión Selección000Loss
FC Británico111Win


Continuing their tour of the parts of Madrid ‘donde cristo perdió la chancla’, FC Britanico were on the road in Villaverde on Saturday for an 11am match against the vastly experienced apertura winners Union Selección. Their mission spelt out in no uncertain terms by manager Rami before the match was to bring back the three points and all the warm up balls.

The lads lined up with Josue in goal, an unchanged back four of Dorus, Ricky, Rama and Ed. The midfield was composed of Ben, Fabian and Luigi with Sean and Joe on the wings and Foxy was the man charged with the Shane Long role of chasing and harrying up front. FCB’s opponents are as experienced, wily and composed on the ball as any team in the league and looked to keep the ball on the floor and pass out from the back in the opening minutes. This tactic swiftly bit them in the arse though as Foxy and Joe pressed a rare poor touch from a defender and Sean gobbled up a loose ball to slide a right-footed finish into an unguarded net for one nil inside 5 minutes. This didn’t phase the men in black and white though and they continued to dominate possession through their classy midfield after the goal, looking to suck the younger Brits out of position and exploit gaps. A team coached by Lee Fletcher, however, were never likely to be found wanting in this regard, and the first half passed without Union coming close to threatening Josue’s goal despite build up play that was at times very neat. At the other end, the Brits were being penalised for offside too much for Rami’s liking and lacking a measure of composure in the final third. The tie could have been put beyond the veterans in the first half had a final ball or finish been 5% better from the men in red.

The message at the half was to close down the Union playmaker and find a measure of calm when attacking. The Brits took to the pitch for the second half without changes to personnel and continued in much the same fashion as before with some sloppy touches in possession but excellent defending when the opposition reached their defensive third. The bench was emptied as the half wore on, and Macca, Luis, Sam and Calum all got a run out and as added some energy to proceedings. The home side were limited to a speculative volley and an offside chance in the entire second half despite seeing the majority of the ball. The away side however did create chances and were wasteful once again in front of goal. Sam, Luigi and Joe were all either culpable or unlucky in front of goal and predictably Rami was a picture of measured calm and constructive advice on the sidelines as his side churned out what was in the end an archetypal workmanlike 1-0 away win. This must go down as a creditable win against a tricky opponent, and one that keeps the Brits unbeaten run and assault on the top 3 in good nick.

Man of the match: Fabian
Miss of the match: Sam for not sidefooting it!
Quote of the match: [Four players turn to the bench and shout in unison] “Shut up Rami!”
Poser of the match: Dorus and his fantastic hair-band

Unión Selección

FC Británico

22Josue Delgado Goalkeeper
2Dorus Leenaarts 15 Defender
3Edmund Keith Defender
4Ricky Pearson Defender
5Ramiro Pérez Toledo Defender
6Fabian Amdal Åsland Midfielder
7Sean McBride Midfielder
8Joe Simmons 13 Midfielder
9Luigi Bosetti 12 Midfielder
10Ben Precious Midfielder
11Andrew Fox 14 Midfielder
12Calum McKenzie 9 Defender
13Sam Reid 8 Midfielder
14Luis Fernandez lo 11 Midfielder
15Andrew McLeod 2 Midfielder
Yellow Cards
Red Cards


Polideportivo Plata y Castañar
Paseo Plata y Castanar, 7, 28021 Madrid, España