FCB Regional 3 – 2 C.B. NTRA.SRA. DE LUJAN

3 Points and a KO for battling Brits at The Cage

A beautiful winter’s morning in Madrid was the settling for FC Britanico Regional’s latest attempt to kick-start their charge up the table, escape the suffocating grips of the relegation zone and leave the dregs of Madrid football behind.

Many have been murmuring within the press box over the passing months that FCB have too much quality to be where they are, today was a chance to show that quality in a basement battle that would see the victor propelled upwards and into mid-table. With the league so close this year a run of victories could see any team suddenly leap into the top half, all concerned were well aware of this fact, there was more at stake than a mere three points.

With the hero of recent matches ‘keeper Daniel Bell taking a well needed break in Galicia, the closest Spain has to offer in comparison to Scotland, Matthew Hutchinson stepped up hoping to do the team proud. Injuries have plagued Britanicos this season and this weekend was no different with manager Moran having to shuffle his pack and make the most of what he had been given.

Artist impression of Bell in Galicia

The back line was made up of 5´4” ginger bombshell Michael Langland, a solid pairing of Steven “want away” Macdonald and “!sácalo¡” Fernando, with Seba “¡Tomaaaaaaaa!” Blasco at right back.

Lee “Can play anywhere” Armstrong was always looking for the ball in centre mid with Captain Tomaz “flequillo” Antoranz and David “I’m from south London” Pugh trying to push on up the centre. Lorenz “take one for the team…again” and Pat “silent assassin” Khodadadian adding pace on the wings while looking to service Robbie “I’m sexy and I know it” up front when possible.

Even with all the absentees this was a strong line-up, Britanicos were confident and with the powerful words of Coach Moran ringing in their ears Brits kicked off looking into a low sun.

The young line-up of C.B. NTRA.SRA. DE LUJAN  was ambitious and charged around the pitched closing down FCB at every opportunity. Over the years a style has been stamped on the Brits team by the coaching staff; short passes, trust your team mate, sexy football, and the home team were determined to pass the ball around whenever and wherever they could.

This very nearly got them into trouble in the opening stages as they lost possession a number of times near their own box and only some desperate lunges and a lack of composure from the away strikers saw FCB survive some difficult moments.

The referee had the game under control but had started to make some debatable decisions, mainly based on which player shouted first and loudest when going into a challenge. Armstrong was looking deadly accurate with the rare free kicks awarded to the White Shirts and had already floated into the box a balls that was begging to be smashed home at the back post. A foul won far out on the right flank gave the man with the magic boots another chance to test the Spanish defence. A delightful cross was met by that man blasco, who had made a brilliant run before burying it was a strong header. A celebration akin to that of the great Batistuta followed and FCB were one up after half an hour.

The lead was short lived though as with their first corner of the game C.B. NTRA.SRA. DE LUJAN were back in it as the lack of playing time as a unit showed when Britanicos let the cross drop six yards out. The gift was tucked away neatly and the game was once more all square with 7 minutes to go until half time.

Seba Blasco – “It was really hard out there. But I was pleased with my goal, with balls like that being put into the mixer it is harder to miss”

But this was just a splutter of the powerful FCB engine as they grew in confidence and a real rhythm to their play started to appear. The turbo-charger kicked in and a move that will have the coaches of the All Whites smiling the alarms go on Monday morning ripped the Spaniards apart; a long ball, C.B. NTRA.SRA. DE LUJAN ’s only weapon as they tried to use the sun to their advantage, was plucked out of the air by Hutchinson who quickly moved it on to Langland at left back, the young Glaswegian stroked it up the left flank to the Austrian artist Lorenz, one touch to control and then the ball was into midfield, a pass in to the feet of the mighty Robbie gave him the chance to use his strength, hold his man off and thread a pinpoint reverse pass through his marker’s legs to the ever alert Pugh. Compared to Pipo Inzaghi in the past due to his finishing ability the result was beyond doubt and the sweet shot smashed into the side netting. 2-1 BRITANICO! CHAMPAGNE FOOTBALL!

The half time whistle blew soon after and home team jogged in knowing they had another gear and that the game was there for the taking.

As the second half started a glimpse of what was to come could be seen as every challenge was questioned and the referee became more and more erratic; awarding corners and throw ins whenever le daba la gana. The tackles were started to get dirty too, Captain Antoranz was dong his best to control the midfield and keep his men cool despite the winter air.

Everything from open play Macdonald and Fernando were masterfully breaking up but free kicks were still the main danger. This was to the prove the case as a straight driven ball in to the box from the halfway line took a nasty ricocheted off an attackers head and looped agonisingly over the outstretched hand of Hutchinson and into the net. 2-2 and two set pieces the culprits.

With fresh enthusiasm injecting rather too much adrenalin into the youthful veins of the boys from North Madrid, they swarmed forward looking for the winner while leaving too much space at the back.

The match became very open and Britanico’s superior experience and the injection of the fresh legs in the form of the female fans favourite Harvey and Nester, the sophisticated man’s Gutí, meant they controlled the possession and after a smart move and final pass from Robbie, Dangerous Dave Pugh was sent racing clear again down the left and with a similar result, the away goalkeeper not standing a chance against the Brit’s goal machine. 3-2 and all looking well for the Brits with 25 minutes to go.

But these games rarely finish without incident, the chavales from the north were becoming more and more frustrated with their lack of penetration and the constant chasing back as Pat and Lorenz were both sent free time and again, the final ball just not finding the man.

Big striker Robbie was having a game to remember, holding up the ball impressively and using his quick feet to gain space before releasing his support runners. No ball was a lost cause for this man and he rightly had the ADDSM defenders on the back foot all day.

Then suddenly it all went wrong, after having a man sent off for too much chat, a parting cry of “¡Viva España!” seemed to spark something in the team mates he had left behind.

The referee had by now stopped caring about controlling the game and was more interested in castigating the Brits for foul throws than looking out for dirty tricks.

Hutchinson reacts badly to stamp

The game finished in ugly fashion with FCB keeper Hutchinson being sent off for loosing his cool when, in a sporting gesture, the ADDSM striker, while coming to check on him as he lay winded on the ground, trod on his hand, despite never having the chance get near his attacker the big man saw red. Striking North American Robbie, with two assists already to his name as well as a fantastic strike against the crossbar wanted to add a clean sheet to his name and bravely put himself between the sticks.

At the other end, the visitor’s keeper escaped a red for stamping on the face of flying winger Lorenz as he lay on the ground, Brits accused of being rude by the opposition training for their reaction.

The game ended in a tense atmosphere but the victory lay with FC Britanico de Madrid. The third victory of the season and talk in the stands that they have finally turned the corner was ripe.

Despite the victory there was a nasty taste left in the mouth of many and the desire to play a hard game of football without all the unnecessary extras was prevalent.

Forza Britanicos.

We came here to play football and get three points, we did that and that’s all that matters, I only want to concentrate on our performance which I thought was very good, I have nothing to say about the opposition. We need to building on this victory at training this week, we are only a few points off the top half.” – Moran

Tercera Liga Reginal Madrid

Home Team Score Away Team Time
(HT 2-1)
  • Blasco 33
  • Pugh 42
  • Pugh 73
  • Prat 39
  • Twit 60

By Matthew Hutchinson

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