FCB frustrated by Animales


FCB started like a bat out hell at the whistle. Macca and Rama pushed high and wide working with their wingers, Ed and Jordan respectively, as per Fleck’s instruction to make the compact defensive unit of Animales break rank and allow FCB in behind (Phrasing). The first 20 mins continued this way with the opposition barely getting on the ball as Callum, Zak, Ish, Tally and Ed dispossessed the Spaniards in midfield. They tried the long ball, but Alex and Christian were more tan up to the task. Zak opened the scoring with a well-deserved goal. 0-1. The second goal came in quick succession, again Zak getting behind the organised defence and bagging another. 0-2. Then FCB backed off and started to play with too much confidence. The Spanish side took the opportunity from a poorly cleared corner and hammered the ball into the bottom corner. 1-2. They nearly repeated this feat in identical fashion but FCB were let off the hook.

Half time 1-2

The second half started well, passing and movement were ample. Animales equalised with some luck and a lot of determination. 2-2. Macca was taken off for Foxy who went in at right midfield. Christian was taken off for Liam who went in at centre forward. Animales managed to get another as Hutch was beaten from distance, 3-2. FCB could not believe what had happened, they let a two goal lead be overtaken. The game descended into the inevitable slow paced game that Spanish sides love when they are in the lead. The frustrating play got to the Brits who were losing patience. Then disaster struck as Alex went down in the centre circle after a challenge and in the chaos got a boot to the head, intentional or not, those on the side lines could only see madness ensue. He rose to his feet in a rage and was given a red card by the referee for his conduct. His second yellow in two games. A 10 man FCB acquitted itself well by attacking relentlessly. Jordan did well in this spell by defending well and then attacking with pace. The break came when Foxy took a pass well and with his second touch banged it into the far corner, simple, reliable and effective, exactly what we have come to expect from the player. 3-3. Try as they might the fourth goal would not come and they game ended in a disappointing draw. The title hopes for the Champions were now unachievable.